Health Data Utility concerned dialogue at The Civitas 2022 Annual Conference

The Civitas 2022 Annual Conference

Leaders of Consortium for State and Regional Interoperability (CSRI) which is a group of the nation’s largest and strong non-profit health data networks, will present a dialogue at The Civitas 2022 Annual Conference which is a collaboration with DirectTrust Summit and is being held at San Antonio from August 21 to 24.

A health data utility is an aspirational model in which a public or government organization aids the health data needs of the state and private sector.

Morgan Honea who is Executive Vice President of Denver-based Contexture (the umbrella organization of health data networks in Colorado and Arizona) as well as President of CSRI said that the officials are excited to meet Their health data network colleagues at The Civitas 2022 Annual Conference which is a Collaboration with the DirectTrust Summit.

She further said that there are sessions on health data utility and public health partnership by Jaime Bland, who is CSRI Board Officer and President and CEO of Omaha-based CyncHealth, and on providing health data utilities for public health by John Kansky who is CSRI Board Officer and President and CEO of Indianapolis-based Indiana Health Information Exchange.

These sessions will provide foundational knowledge and insights about health utility models to conference attendees. Attendees will learn about using state policy levers, engaging wide stakeholder groups in participation and community engagement, and maturing use cases with Medicaid and public health, at the same time maintaining high standards for data privacy and security.

What are health data utilities?

Health data utilities are non-profit/ government organizations. They provide strong health information exchange services for the public as well as the private sector. Health data utilities integrate other health services like Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs and All-Payer Claims Databases. They also support academic institutions by providing health data research

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